<description>fill empty borders with mirrored from frame edge pixels (instead of black): 0 - no mirror (default); 1 - top; 2 - bottom; 4 - left; 8 - right; sum any of above - combination (15 - all ).</description>
<description>This function uses phase-shift method for global motion estimation. It uses some central region of every frame (or field) as FFT window to find the inter-frames correlation and to calculate the most appropriate values of vertical and horizontal shifts, which fit current frame to previous one. The some relative correlation parameter is used as trust measure and for scene change detection.</description>
<description>It generates long interleaved clipwith series of group of previous frames motion compensated (within some range), original frame, and motion compensated next frames (within range), and same groups for every following frames.</description>
<description>fill empty borders with mirrored from frame edge pixels (instead of black): 0 - no mirror (default); 1 - top; 2 - bottom; 4 - left; 8 - right; sum any of above - combination (15 - all ).</description>
<description>This function make some motion stabilization (deshake) by smoothing of global motion. Inertial filtering method is used (probably similar to Dugistudio VirtualDub plugin).</description>
<description>lag of some previous frame to fill empty borders (instead of black): 0 - not fill (default ), 1 - use nearest previous (n-1) frame to fill current frame (n) edges, 2 - use previous (n-2) frame to fill (not all in range !), and so on.</description>
<description>lag of some next frame to fill empty borders (instead of black): 0 - not fill (default ), 1 - use nearest next (n+1) frame to fill current frame (n) edges, 2 - use next (n+2) frame to fill (not all in range !), and so on.</description>
<description>fill empty borders with mirrored from frame edge pixels (instead of black): 0 - no mirror (default); 1 - top; 2 - bottom; 4 - left; 8 - right; sum any of above - combination (15 - all ).</description>
<description>limit of rotation correction, in degrees. (if any of above max parameter is positive, then the correction will be limited to its value, if negative, the the correction will be null and the frame will be set as new base frame. these parameters also used as scale values for filter)</description>